Our Products

Our Products

Popular brands, wide selection, expert sales staff. These are the core tenets of how we have done business since first opening our doors. We continue to provide people with the best selection of gear and equipment best suited for them. We have more than 250 tennis racquet demos and over 125 paddle demos available at any time for your convenience.

Our products make us more than just a racquet store. We connect athletes with the tools they need to take their game to the next level.

Unsure of what might be best for you? Talk to one of our friendly sales staff today, or ask about our highly-regarded demo program.

Welcome To Player's Racquet Shop

Player’s Racquet Shop is the largest retailer of specialty tennis and pickleball equipment, and we take great pride in how we do business. Offering everything from racquets, paddles, bags, shoes, and other must-have accessories, we will be sure to find your personalized fit.

Contact Us
8622 SW Hall Blvd, Suite B, Beaverton, Oregon, United States 97008

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    ©2022 Player’s Racquet Shop LLC

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